Vision/School Plan

Scoil Mhichil Naofa's pedagogical practices follow the principles of the revised Primary School Curriculum, launched in 1999 by the Department of Education and Science. Further information regarding the curriculum can be found at

Our school plan is constantly evolving and reflects our educational philosophy and approach to learning. Broadly speaking it outlines our aims and how we set about achieving these goals. Our plan will cover curricular and organisational or logistical planning. The former outlines the curriculum that shall be implemented in the school. The latter, a range of policies that govern practice e.g. consideration of school resources, equipment, time, finances, staff etc.

Our school plan will be constantly evolving and is an on-going process. It will take into account the views of staff, children and external agencies such as NEPS etc. It will require regular updating in accordance with DES initiatives and circulars. It is our aim to have the following which will comprise Scoil Mhichil Naofa's school plan.

Curricular Plan

Specific Subject Plan

School Self-evaluation report for a particular curricular focus point

Organisational Plans

School administrative policies and govern school practice.

Copies of our policies and procedures can be viewed on the policies section of our website